Former Janesville fire inspector asks court to force Police and Fire Commission to reconsider complaint it previously dismissed against fire chief


A former Janesville fire inspector who’s complaints of malfeasance against the fire chief and two other fire department personnel were dismissed by the Police and Fire Commission files an action in Rock County Court to try to force the commission to take up one of is complaints again.

According to court documents, Donald “Jeff” Bowen has petitioned Judge Barbara McCrory for Writ of Certiorari because the Police and Fire Commission acted in an arbitrary, oppressive, or unreasonable manner that represented its will and not its judgement when it dismissed one of the charges against Fire Chief Randy Banker.

That charge claimed that Banker improperly used his authority to put pressure on another department employee to remove Bowen from his volunteer position with the the Explorers program after he had already resigned from his job as a fire inspector wit the department.

While the matter hasn’t been scheduled for a date yet in Rock County Circuit Court, the Janesville Police and Fire Commission plan to discuss the action in closed session during their meeting at 4:00 p.m. Tuesday.