Craig High School students raise over $10,000 for local 4-year-old with cancer


Batman stopped by Craig High School Tuesday afternoon as the students raised over $10,000 for a local boy with cancer.

The Dark Knight is the favorite superhero of four-year-old Isaac Johnson, who was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma in March of 2017.

Officer Justin Stubbendick of the Janesville Police Department had been working to support Isaac, and he reached out to student leaders at Craig to help with the effort.

Seniors Sam Smith, Taylor Salmon and Claire Mikkelson helped organize the fundraiser for their senior class gift, which included penny wars and community donations to hit the $10,000 mark.

The school organized an assembly and pep rally for Isaac, with the band playing the Batman theme song during a parade through the halls of the high school, usually reserved for athletic teams that win state championships.

The gathering was the warmup for a bigger community event during Craig’s boys basketball senior night against Middleton on February 9, where military members will present full colors in honor of Isaac.

You can find out more information on the Isaac Strong Facebook page, and you can donate to the family on their Go Fund Me page. Craig High School is also selling “Issac Strong” t-shirts to continue the fundraising.