Rock County Progressives host screening of “The Great Dictator”

The Rock County Progressives host a screening of the classic film, The Great Dictator.
This work of political satire was written, directed and stars Charlie Chaplin. He gives a stirring and at the time controversial condemnation of fascism, anti-Semitism, and the Nazis. He made it during a time when many Americans were not aware of the danger presented by Adolf Hitler… Chaplin has admitted he would not have made the film if he had known of the Nazi concentration camps. It is been nominated for five Academy Awards, and remains one of Chaplin’s best loved films.
The film will be shown on Wednesday, December 14, at the Basics Food Cooperative in Janesville, it is an independent event not affiliated with Basics.  It is free and open to the public, doors open at 5:30 PM, film at 5:45 PM, running time two hours.