Janesville City Manager to deliver State of the City address on January 25th


The City of Janesville will host the annual State of the City Address and Open House on Thursday, January 25 from 5 to 7 p.m. on the Fourth Floor of City Hall (18 North Jackson Street).

The program will include an open house with City staff in Room 416 from 5 to 6 p.m. At the open house, Department staff will showcase their services and accomplishments from the previous year and will be available to answer questions. Light refreshments will be served during the open house. At 6 p.m., City Manager Mark Freitag will present the State of the City Address in the Council Chambers.

All members of the Janesville community are invited and encouraged to attend this event to gain insight into the City’s activities and accomplishments over the last year and learn about plans and challenges for 2018.

For those interested but unable to attend, JATV Media Services will broadcast the event on Charter Channel 994. The event recording will also be available on the City’s website under “Public Information Videos” shortly after the event.