State data: Rock County hospitals licensed for over 550 beds in surge capacity


Hospitals in Rock County are operating far from their full surge capacity as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to spread.

The Rock County Public Health Department released data on Tuesday showing the normal capacity of the local health providers, but the Wisconsin Department of Health Services directory shows a much larger if the number of patients surged.

Beloit Health System is licensed to hold 256 beds, Mercyhealth in Janesville is licensed for 240 beds, SSM Health St. Mary’s can occupy 50, and Edgerton Hospital has room for 16, totaling 562 beds in the county at maximum capacity.

Rock County health officials said as of Tuesday, 151 hospital beds were filled in the county, which was equal to 58 percent of the 260 total beds the health department reported for normal capacity.

The Wisconsin Hospital Association’s most recent data showed Mercyhealth operated 101 beds in 2018, with an occupancy rate of 86 percent. Beloit Memorial Hospital set up and staffed 103 beds that same year at only 43.6 percent occupancy.

SSM Health and Edgerton Hospital both staffed their full allotment of beds, but both were occupied under 50 percent in 2018.

The Rock County health department’s projections showed the area would need over 1,000 beds if the community does not follow social distancing and the governor’s safer-at-home order.