Hedberg Public Library offering drive-thru storytime


The Hedberg Public Library wants to get back to in-person storytelling, while still staying safe during the pandemic.

Their solution is a new drive-thru storytime program, which will run each Wednesday in July from 10:00 a.m. to noon.

Youth Services Associate Mary Westness is asking families to register in advance online or over the phone for 10 minute time slots.

Participating families will drive up to two separate storytime stops where library staff will sing songs and rhymes or tell stories for children to watch safely from their vehicle, while still getting a more personal experience.

Westness and her team are setting up the drive-thru event at Monterrey Park near Wilson Elementary School so they can better control the flow of traffic and maintain safe physical distancing.

The library will still offer other live, virtual programs on their website and Facebook page, but Westness is excited to get back to at least one form of physical interaction.