| By Big Radio News Staff |
The Rock Aqua Jays are back! Janesville’s show ski club has been kept off the Rock River, its home playing field, for 62 days of continued high water.
Rock Aqua Jays President Tim Cullen says that changes Sunday. He says the river has fallen enough now — finally — that the Jays can take to the River.
They’ll do so at 7 p.m. Sunday at Traxler Park for what will be the Aqua Jays’ first public ski show this year.
Cullen says the Aqua Jays had 18 home shows in a row canceled, and 62 days off the water in Janesville. He says the only year the Aqua Jays had a bigger washout was in 2008 — the year the Rock River crested at a historic 13.5 feet at Afton.
National Weather Service water data at river flood gauges north and south of Traxler park show the Rock River is on pace by Sunday to fall just below flood-action stage.
That means boats can operate on the stretch where the Jays hold their practices and shows.
At times this summer, the river has reached nearly moderate flooding at close to 11 feet at the Afton flood gauge. Repeated heavy rains have kept the river swollen, and above flood action, for weeks.
That’s prompted the Jays so far to travel to other, non-flooded waters in recent weeks, hauling boats, equipment and people to practices set on the water in Beloit, Madison and Burlington.
The Aqua Jays haven’t had any home shows to raise funds in two full months, which Cullen says has placed a financial strain on the club. They’ve competed elsewhere, but the Jays’ public shows at Traxler are where the nonprofit group can pass the hat for funds.
Cullen says he hopes the crowd for Sunday night’s show is a big one — and a generous one.
The Jays’ ski show theme this year is “Ghostbusters.”