Your Talk Show / Stan Milam Show Podcasts

2/9/17 Open Phones

National security, Trump, and more…

2/8/17 Tammy DeGarmo – Project 1649

Get your favorite tunes out and practice for a lip sync fundraiser to benefit this local project that helps teens

2/8/17 Frank Frasetto-DATCP

Phone scams are making their way through our area, we hear how to stay protected with Frank Frasetto, from the

2/8/17 Monterey Dam

To remove or replace… that is the question.  We hear from Janesville City Council member Rich Gruber, as well

2/7/17 Focus on the Facts

Wade focuses on Supreme Court nominations.

2/7/17 Open Phones/Ducks Unlimited

First, some more open phone time on the confirmation of Betsy DeVos.  Then, Henry Hanson and Bob Hornby join us with

2/7/17 Open Phones

The impending confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

2/6/17 Representative Deb Kolste

We talk with the state’s 44th Assembly District Representative about the most recent legislation being floated

2/6/17 Super Bowl Recap

First, a few minutes with Michael Burgi of Adweek, on the Super Bowl’s best and worst commercials.  Then, we

2/3/17 Fun For All Friday

Miscellaneous topics.