
4/22/24 National Correspondent Bob Ney

National Correspondent Bob Ney

4/19/24 Savannah Schindler Visit Beloit

Savannah Schindler joins us with a list of fun things happening in Beloit

4/19/24 31st District Representative Ellen Schutt

Representative Schutt joins the show to discuss several issues facing the district and the state, including -farmland

4/19/24 Open Phones followed by info on the Children’s Museum

We start this hour with open phones. John Westphal follows with the latest on the Children’s Museum

4/18/24 The O’Leary Brothers Show! Part 2

4/18/24 The O’Leary Brothers Show!

4/18/24 What’s Up Doc sponsored by Mercyhealth

Today’s guest on What’s Up Doc sponsored by Mercyhealth is Erika Shields, Volunteer Coordinator for

4/18/24 Superintendent School District of Beloit Dr. Willie Garrison

Dr. Garrison joins us with updates on what’s happening in the School District of Beloit

4/18/24 Pentagon Correspondent Tom Squitieri

Tom joins the show with insights into what’s happening in the middle east and other hotspots around the world.

4/17/24 Longtime Craig Boy’s Basketball Coach and Rock County Court Commissioner Jack Hoag